Transdisciplinary composer. Working with sound, images and texts in installations, concerts and performances, his practice focuses on the poetics of the dialogues between art and science, exploring the memories of civilisation as an extension of our species’ consciousness.

His audiovisual production displays an imaginary that reflects rigorous research, incorporating scientific images, texts, quotes and reflections in compositions for experimental opera, stage concerts, solo performances and installations.

His works have been presented at international exhibitions and festivals in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Berlin, Edinburgh, Turin and Rome – such as the Havana Biennial, Mutek, Edinburgh Science Festival, Festival Nueva Ópera, Festival No Convencional, Festival Ruido, Yellow Lounge and +CODE.

He directs the Expanded Music programme at the National University of San Martín, where he co-founded the Centre for Art and Science at the School of Art and Heritage.

Winner of the creation scholarship of the New Opera Festival -CETC, Teatro Colón- (Argentina), training scholarship Williams Foundation -Winter School- (Argentina), creation residency Centro Nave (Chile) and scholarship for trainers from the National Arts Fund (Argentina).